Coverage for Guests
A campus is a beautiful venue to host an event and many institutions are happy to allow others to use their campus for special occasions.
Third parties hosting an event or utilizing facilities on an EIIA Member campus are asked to purchase Special Events Insurance to protect the campus from an injury or damage resulting from the event. In addition to a contract, you may be required to purchase Special Events Insurance which names the institution as an “additional insured”.
To facilitate the purchase of Special Events Insurance, EIIA has identified a partner that can easily provide the coverage you need. The link below will direct you to the Special Events Insurance provider and a selection of policies that will cover your unique event. Once coverage is purchased, a certificate of insurance verifying coverage is in place will be sent to both the hosting party and the institution.
For questions call FL Dean at 1-800-745-2409 or email them at info@fdean.com.